Safe Medication Disposal

Properly disposing of any unused or expired medications helps prevent accidental ingestion, drug abuse, and goes a long way in protecting the environment.

Any time prescription meds are ingested unintentionally, such as by children or pets, dangerous health outcomes may occur. Medications often contain active ingredients that can harm marine life or contaminate water sources when flushed down the toilet, hurting the ecosystem and in turn harming your health.

How do I properly dispose of my medications?

TreatMeNow does not currently accept returned medications for disposal, even if they are unopened or unused.

To properly dispose of your medications, take your unwanted prescription meds to a local pharmacy that has a take-back program. These programs help collect expired drugs to dispose of them professionally, often incinerating them or using other destruction methods that reduce harm to the environment.

In rare cases, your local authorities may allow for you to dispose of certain medications in your household trash if a take-back program is unavailable. Check with your area's guidelines before disposing of your expired drugs this way.

Certain medications may be safer to flush down the toilet than put in the trash. Your local government or pharmacy should have a list of medications that are safe to flush down the toilet.